What are synonyms ?

synonyms are the words that exactly or nearly same meaning.
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A word or phrase that means exactly or nearly to another word or phrase is called  synonyms.
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A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called synonymy. The word comes from Ancient Greeksýn (σύν; "with") and ónoma (ὄνομα; "name"). An example of synonyms are the words begin, start, commence, and initiate. Words can be synonymous when meant in certain senses, even if they are not synonymous in all of their senses. For example, if one talks about a long time or an extended time, long and extended are synonymous within that context. Synonyms with exact meaning share a seme or denotational sememe, whereas those with inexactly similar meanings share a broader denotational or connotationalsememe and thus overlap within a semantic field. Some academics call the former type cognitive synonyms to distinguish them from the latter type, which they call near-synonyms.
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a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.
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a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.
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Similar words are known as synonyms
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The word which has similar meaings are called synonyms
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A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning as another word.
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Words with same meanings
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A?synonym?is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.
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A synonyms means meanings
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A Synonyms is ​a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.
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A synonym is a word or phrase that helps us to understand a word. Synonym is a closer or an exact word
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The synonyms are the similiar word of one other word. For eg sufficient- enough etc.
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Synonyms means the meaning for each@words
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Words which have nearly the same meaning.
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Synonyms means similar word /sentence
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Words that same means
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Synonyms are opposite words
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Different words with same meaning

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synonyms of words that are same in the meaning and same to each other but not in the spelling
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Words with same meanings are called synonyms
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synonyms means the word which mean the same . It is the same that we say in hindi paryayvachi
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A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called synonymy. The word comes from Ancient Greeksýn (σύν; "with") and ónoma (ὄνομα; "name"). An example of synonyms are the words begin, start, commence, and initiate. Words can be synonymous when meant in certain senses, even if they are not synonymous in all of their senses. For example, if one talks about a long time or an extended time, long and extended are synonymous within that context. Synonyms with exact meaning share a seme or denotational sememe, whereas those with inexactly similar meanings share a broader denotational or connotationalsememe and thus overlap within a semantic field. Some academics call the former type cognitive synonyms to distinguish them from the latter type, which they call near-synonyms
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synonyms are the words or phrase that means exactly to nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.
for example,
Beautiful, Attractive, Pretty, Stunning, Lovely...
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Synonyms are the words which have similar meaning but they differ to spell
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Words having same meanings are called synonyms. For example. Abhor-hate
Nice - decent, happiness - joy
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Please find this answer

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Synonyms are basically two or more words with the same or close to same meanings. Eg:happy-joyful.
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Synonyms are two or more words having nearly same meaning
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Dear Student,
Those words which has different word with the same meaning are called synonyms.
Hope you understood.

Sakshi kumari
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words that having same meanings
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Words which mean the same or nearly same are called synonyms.
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a plus b ka whole square barabar
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Nothing to tell
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Synonyms are similar words
For example:
Synonym of enormous is huge
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A?synonym?is a word, morpheme, or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word, morpheme, or phrase in the same language. For example, the words?begin,?start,?commence, and?initiate?are all synonyms of one another; they are synonymous.
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A?synonym?is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.?
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Two same sounds words are synonyms
Example = cat - mat , sat , rat
Six - mix , fix etc. Etc
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Many parts or means of A word are called its synonyms for example good, best, nice, well,e.t.c
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