What are the answers to these questions                 

10. Fill in ANY FOUR blanks with suitable verbs given in the brackets:

(i) Mother always .........(1) .........(love) children unconditionally.
(ii) Bharat Petroleum .........(2) .........(offer) her a job.
(iii) It.........(3) .........(rain) now.
(iv) Harika .........(4) .........(read) a novel since morning
(v) I.........(5) .........(conduct) a quiz competition tommorow.
(vi) My friend .........(6) .........(conplete) the homework when I went to her room.

Dear Student,
Here's your answer - 

i) loves
ii) has offered
iii) is raining
iv) has been reading
v) will conduct
vi) had completed


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