what are the components of money supply?
brief explanation

The stock of money held by public at a point of time in an economy is money supply: Its components are;

currency component - it consist of cpins and currency notes.

deposit component - consist of bank deposits, against which cheques are issued.
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1. M1 Component of Money Supply:

This component of money supply refers to:


(a) Currency, C, including paper money and metallic coins of all denominations,

(b) Net demand deposits, DD, including the savings deposits with the banking sector, and

(c) Other Deposits, OD, including the deposits with RBI of quasi-government institutions such as Industrial Finance Corporation of India, State Finance Corporations, Industrial Development Bank of India, Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation; deposits of International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Account No.2

2. M2 Component of Money Supply:

This component of money supply is devised to include post office savings deposits in the M2component of money supply. Thus,

M2 = M1 + Post Office Savings Deposits

3. M3 Component of Money Supply:

M3 is the sum of M1 and the time deposits. Hence, it represents a broader measure of money supply and is known as the Aggregate Monetary Resource (AMR). Thus,

M3 = M1 + Time Deposits

= M1 + TD

4. M4 Component of Money Supply:

M4 is the sum of M3 and the Post Office Savings Deposits. It represents broader concept of money supply. Thus,

M4 = M3 + Post Office Savings Deposits

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The two main components of money supply are
Currency held with the public (notes and coins)
Demand deposits with the banks

P.S: In certain book you main find other deposits as a component but as per ncert the above two are the components
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