what are the different types  of literary devices? give examples

A Figure of Speech or literary device is where a word or words are used to create an effect, often where they do not have their original or literal meaning.

Then you may write a few types of figures of speech and give examples of each. A few have been provided for your reference:

Alliteration   (use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse)

Example:   "furrow followed free"


Repetition   (the repeated use of the same word or word pattern)

Example:   "alone, alone, all all alone..."


Personification   (representing an abstract quality or idea as a person or creature)

Example:   “Out of the sea came he!”


Simile   (expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds usually formed with 'like' or 'as')

Example:   “ like a three years' child.” 


Irony   (incongruity between what is expected and what occurs)

Example:   “Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink.”


Metaphor   (refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity)

Example:   "Was tyrannous and strong"


Imagery   is a description which evokes readers senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. Metaphors and similes are also considered as imagery. 

For example,  "I babble on the pebbles".

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