what are the disadvantages of playing video games?

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Possible Disadvantages of Video Games

a. Playing aggressive games display more verbal and physical aggression toinanimate objects and playmates;b. Exhibiting more aggressive thoughts among the youths;c. More likely to attribute hostile intentions to others;d. Correlation between aggressive delinquency and behaviour;e. Reduction of empathy for victims, leading to higher possibility of youthsbecoming more violent individuals;f. Desensitization to violent behaviour;g. Less trust and increased fearfulness;h. Fall in academic performance;i. Induction of additive behaviour resulting in possible truancy and evenstealing to get their "video game fix " ;j. Results in greater sedentary lifestyles, poorer eating habits and increasedobesity;k. Reduction in physical fitness with possibility of later heart disease;l. Affects youths' attitudes toward gender stereotypes;m. Stresses autonomous action rather than cooperation and thus does notencourage or promote teamwork andn. Excessive or addictive use of gaming, which may be at the expense ofactive pastimes.
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playing video games can affect our eyes .it may waste our time

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