what are the function of the following hormone secreted by plants:





Auxin: Helps in stem and root elongation, maintenance of apical dominance

Gibberellins: Bring about cell division, protion of stem elongation, breaking of seed dormancy

Cytokinins: Promote cell division

Abscisic Acid: Growth inhibitor, brings about fruit ripening, maintains dormancy

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Auxins:- they mostly help in growth of plant stem.

Gibberlins:- They help in seed germination and flowering

Cytokinins:- They help in cell division thrtought plant body

Abscisic Acid :- it is a growth inhibitor it promotes fruit fall and leaf fall.

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Auxin-Promote cell growth,inhibition of abcission fruit growth,root formation.

ex-apical dominance,growth in shoot of a plant.

Gibberellins-Promote stem elongation,seed germination and flowering.

Cytokinins-Promote cell division.

ex-formation of fruit from zygote.

Abscisic acid(ABA)-Inhibits growth.

ex-Wilting of leaves.

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