what are the limitations of the literary sources that are available for the mediaeval period of India? Explain.

Dear student. 

Limitations  of literary sources include:

1)  These literary sources are written on palm leaves, bark of trees etc which were considered as soft  and fragile materials.
2)  As a result these sources would be destroyed or damaged in due course of time, and they had to be manually copied or written down.

3. Historians face problems  collecting  information from various textual sources as a copy of the manuscript did not match with the original. 
4. Too many  information available from these sources makes  difficult for historians to utilise them.
5. These sources  are biased and subjective in nature because the writers were patronized by royal courts and private wealthy individuals. There is hardly any criticisms found in their writings.\


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The first limitation of the literary sources that are available for the mediaeval period in India are the Islamic rulers physically took out or destroyed some of the Hindu literary sources rather some of them translate it into their language and removed the first one right and the second point is the people was not so well developed at that time and it was not conserved precisely
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