What are the poetic devices in the chapter "No men are foreign" from grade 9 beehive .Explain them

Dear Student,

  • a single body breathes- (‘ b’ sound is repeated at the beginning of each word)
  • Or sleep, and strength- (‘ s’ sound is repeated)

  • Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes :- ‘Uniforms’ here stand for militaries that different countries in the world have. These uniforms might be diverse in colour, outline, shape and culture, however individuals wearing them are the same anyplace on this planet.
  • war’s long winter starv’ d :- Here the starvation experienced during cruel winters portrays the need and hunger during the war-time. Both these conditions prompt extreme devastation.
  • The word 'Remember' is repeated five times in the poem to emphasize the message that the poem needs to convey.
  • The last and first line ( “Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange” ) of the poem are same. This repetition accentuates the center message of the unity of humankind.


  • 0
this chapter not started in my class.
  • -9
This chapter tells that men in border wear their respected uniform
  • -2
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