What are the precious things mentioned in the story The Happy Prince ? Why are they precious ? ( Experts please answer it this question is from moments book ch - The Happy Prince )

Dear Student
reare two precious things in the story: the Prince’s leaden heartand the dead swallow.

They were both precious because they were kind and selfless. The Prince was sad as he saw so many people suffering in his city. He gave away his ruby, sapphires and all his gold to them. He did not think about himself for once. He was more concerned about the well-being of his people even though he was dead.

The little swallow was precious because it showed kindness by carrying the Prince’s messages to the poor and deciding to stay back for the Prince when he was blind, though he knew that he would face difficulties in winter, which was fast approaching. It actively participated in helping the poor and needy in the city. The swallow was so precious that when it died and fell down at the Prince’s feet.

When God asked one of his angels to bring him the two most precious things in the city, the angel brought him the leaden heart and the dead bird. God said that the little bird would forever sing in his garden of Paradise and the Happy Prince would praise him in his city of gold.


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