what are the principles of brahmo samaj

Dear Student

Brahmo Samaj
1.   It was founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in 1828 in Kolkata.  It promoted the idea of universal worship.
2.  It criticized the various religious practices such as animal or human sacrifice etc.
3.  It also focused on giving more rights to women.
4.  It laid stress on the chanting of veda hymns and the upanishads



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1 the samaj laid emphasis on worship of one god,who is omnipresent
2 it laid stress on the chanting of veda hymns and the upanishads
​3 in founding the bahmo samaj ram mohans aim was to purify hinduism and to worship one god
4 there was no place in brahmo samaj for idol worship,animal sacrifice an ritualism
5brahmo samaj was not an seperate religion

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