what are the properties of verb?

The properties of verbs are:

1. Person: the speaker or writer's relationship to the subject, e.g. ist, 2nd or 3rd person

2. number - whether it is singular or plural

3. tense - past, present or future, and within each of these, whether the verb is simple, perfect or progressive

4. voice - if the subject is active or passive

5. mood - if the sentence is indicative (simple statement of fact), subjunctive (if it depends on conditions or something else to act) or imperative (a command)

you can read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_properties_of_verbs#ixzz1VrRmw3S8

  • 6
  1.  tense 
  2. singular or pular
  • 4

Their properties are as follows:

1. Person and Number

2. Tense

3. Voice

4. Mood

  • 2

The properties of vebs are as follows:

  • persorn & number
  • Tense
  • Voice
  • Mood
  • 0

and the fifth property is -  it wastes our time through a 15 chaptered lesson .. :-p

  • 0





are properties of verb

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