what are the source of constraints on freedom of indivial

 There are political, economic, social and cultural constraints on the freedom of individuals.

Economic disparity, social norms, political participation serve as constraints on freedom.

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Restrictions on the freedom of individuals may come from external control. Such restrictions may be imposed by the govt. through laws. 1) The quotation from Subhas chandra Bose on freedom draws attention to the need for the country to work to remove such constraints. 2) some constraints can also result from social inequality, kind of implict in caste system or which result from extreme economic inequality in a society.
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Sources of constraints are as follows: 1). Constraints by law, For instance now playing loud music in parties after 10pm is not allowed it's a constraint by law which is implemented taking into consideration the inconvenience caused due to it to others. 2). Constraints by society, various types of constraints are put by society on individual because of economic inequality or belonging to lower caste for instance in some parts of country even today lower caste people face discrimination they are not allowed to enter temples or any other place related to high caste this results as a constraint by society to his freedom .
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Thanks Divya Sharma for an interesting answer it is very helpful.
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It's my pleasure Garima harjani
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what are the sources of constrains
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There are two types of constraints on freedom 1. By law- As law limits our freedom and gives rules and regulations to us 2. By values, norms- the values which we get also puts limit on our freedom, like a person who wants money but don't have any option to get it so the first thought which will come to his mind will be that he should steal but on the other hand the values which his family has given him will stop him
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poltical & social field
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