what are the source of use to reconstruct centre islamic land

Dear Student, 

Various sources like tawarikh (contemporary chronicles), sira (biographies), hadith (prophet's messages) and tafsir (commentaries on Quran) are used to reconstruct the history of central Islamic lands between 600 and 1200. The sources were prepared by eyewitness reports that were either transmitted orally or in a written form. Most of these works are in Arabic like the Tarikh of Tabari written in c. 923. Some works were also produced in Persian and Syriac. Besides these, there are other sources like travelogues, geographies, literary works and legal texts. Administrative documents have a vital role in the reconstruction of history. Such records come from Geniza records and Greek and Aramaic papyri. The literary sources are corroborated with archaeological, numismatic and epigraphic sources. 


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