what are the stages of water treatment

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1......Screen the wastewater as it enters the wastewater treatment plant to remove large items from the sewage. The goal of this step is to remove debris that could damage the treatment facility's equipment.


Remove grit from the wastewater by forcing the sewage through grit chamber. Forcing the wastewater quickly through the chamber prevents organic waste from settling and aerates the mix. Small wastewater treatment plants may skip grit removal


Pump the screened wastewater into sedimentation tanks to help further separate the components of the sewage. Remove and condense the organic matter, called sludge, which settles to the bottom of the tank.


Skim the surface of the wastewater to remove oil, soap scum and grease. Rakes from the top of tanks remove these components of wastewater, known collectively as scum.


Collect the scum and sludge into a single sludge-processing unit for further treatment. Anaerobic digestion processes the solid waste, and some facilities use the resulting methane gas as a source of energy (see References 2).


Filter the wastewater through sand to remove excess iron and calcium, some bacteria and the remaining solid particles in the water. Filtering the wastewater should also reduce the color and make the water more transparent (see References 2).


Treat the wastewater with chlorine to kill remaining bacteria. Add chlorine carefully to avoid overcontamination; most of the chlorine will break down as it kills the bacteria. If necessary, treat the chlorinated wastewater with chemicals to neutralize any remaining chlorine.


Use or dispose of the cleansed wastewater, called effluent. Although treatment plants pump most effluent into rivers or oceans, some is used for irrigation purposes. As of 2008, at least 44 countries used reclaimed wastewater for agricultural irrigation

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1......Screen the wastewater as it enters the wastewater treatment plant to remove large items from the sewage. The goal of this step is to remove debris that could damage the treatment facility's equipment.


Remove grit from the wastewater by forcing the sewage through grit chamber. Forcing the wastewater quickly through the chamber prevents organic waste from settling and aerates the mix. Small wastewater treatment plants may skip grit removal


Pump the screened wastewater into sedimentation tanks to help further separate the components of the sewage. Remove and condense the organic matter, called sludge, which settles to the bottom of the tank.


Skim the surface of the wastewater to remove oil, soap scum and grease. Rakes from the top of tanks remove these components of wastewater, known collectively as scum.


Collect the scum and sludge into a single sludge-processing unit for further treatment. Anaerobic digestion processes the solid waste, and some facilities use the resulting methane gas as a source of energy (see References 2).


Filter the wastewater through sand to remove excess iron and calcium, some bacteria and the remaining solid particles in the water. Filtering the wastewater should also reduce the color and make the water more transparent (see References 2).


Treat the wastewater with chlorine to kill remaining bacteria. Add chlorine carefully to avoid overcontamination; most of the chlorine will break down as it kills the bacteria. If necessary, treat the chlorinated wastewater with chemicals to neutralize any remaining chlorine.


Use or dispose of the cleansed wastewater, called effluent. Although treatment plants pump most effluent into rivers or oceans, some is used for irrigation purposes. As of 2008, at least 44 countries used reclaimed wastewater for agricultural irrigation

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