What are the two basic tools used for comparing an underdeveloped country with a developed one ? Which organisation use these tools for comparison

The two basic tools used for comparing an underdeveloped and developed one are G.D.P.(gross domestic product ) and per capita income .UNDP is the organisation which use these tools.
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Development Applies to all round development of a country such as freedom, security, life with dignity, good standard of living, economic equality and participative envolvement
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Per capita and Human development.
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Per capita income and human development index are the major tools to compaign an developed country by an underdeveloped one. UNDOp and WHO are the organisation's
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The average or per capita income is the main criterion for comparing a developed country with an underdeveloped one. Countries with per capita income of Rs 4,53,000 per annum and above in 2004 are called high-income countries, and countries with per capita income of Rs 37,000 or less are called low-income countries.
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