what are the various factors which contribute to the process of evolution? explain each of them

Dear Student,

I. Factors affection speciation are:

1) Geographical isolation:
Geographical isolation is one of the factors which may lead to speciation. In this a group of individuals of a species may become geographically isolated from other members or the species.So, both these groups grow in different environment and hence evolve to form new species. Various factors which play an important role in this type of speciation are:

  • Natural selection: It is a process that results in the increased survival and reproductive success of individuals, who are well adjusted to the environment.
  • Genetic drift:  It is an accidental change in the frequency of genes in small population.  

2) Hybridization:
Hybridization is a process by which a new type of species come into existence as a result of mating of two distinct species. This process may lead to the existence of new species which is different from either parents. Hence, hybridization may result in speciation.


II. Natural selection and genetic drift are the two factors that lead to the variation in population. This variation can lead to the evolution.

III. Same two factors which are involved in evolution i.e. natural selection and genetic drift are the two factors for the increase in population of a species in an area.

Also, variations can also be one of the causes for the evolution, v
ariation can be defined as the changes in the genetic material or in the alleles of the genes of a population. Variations which are beneficial for the population and help in the better survival of the population are naturally selected. Accumulation of many such variations result in development of new species. Therefore, variation is the cause for evolution.

For example: Let us suppose that a population of bird with long beaks inhabit a new area. In that area, they have food which can be consumed properly with short beaks. Due to certain variations, there are some birds with short beaks in that population. So, in the new area they will survive better and reproduce more, hence there number will increase and slowly they will evolve into a new species. 

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

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