What are the various literary devices used in the poem

Instances of the many figures of speech used in the poem 'Song of the Rain' are:

  • Metaphor: I am beautiful pearls, dotted silver threads, sigh of the sea,

  • Personification: sigh of the sea, laughter of the field,

  • Simile: like earthly life,

  • Alliteration: Messenger of Mercy, sigh of the sea,

  • Hyperbole: in a million little ways; endless heaven of memories, etc.

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anaphora,asyndeton,rhyme ,repetition,simile,metaphor,
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Allegory: A representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning. Sometimes it can be a single word or phrase, such as the name of a character or place. Often, it is a symbolic narrative that has not only a literal meaning, but a larger one understood only after reading the entire story or poem –4– Allusion: A brief reference to some person, historical event, work of art, or Biblical or mythological situation or character. Ambiguity: A word or phrase that can mean more than one thing, even in its context. Poets often search out such words to add richness to their work. Often, one meaning seems quite readily apparent, but other, deeper and darker meanings, await those who contemplate the poem. Example: Robert Frost’s ‘The Subverted Flower’ Analogy: A comparison, usually something unfamiliar with something familiar. Example: The plumbing took a maze of turns where even water got lost. Apostrophe: Speaking directly to a real or imagined listener or inanimate object; addressing that person or thing by name. Example: O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done… Cliché: Any figure of speech that was once clever and original but through overuse has become outdated. If you’ve heard more than two or three other people say it more than two or three times, chances are the phrase is too timeworn to be useful in your writing. Example: busy as a bee Connotation: The emotional, psychological or social overtones of a word; its implications and associations apart from its literal meaning. Often, this is what distinguishes the precisely correct word from one that is merely acceptable. Contrast: Closely arranged things with strikingly different characteristics. Example: He was dark, sinister, and cruel; she was radiant, pleasant, and kind. Denotation: The dictionary definition of a word; its literal meaning apart from any associations or connotations. Students must exercise caution when beginning to use a thesaurus, since often the words that are clustered together may share a denotative meaning, but not a connotative one, and the substitution of a word can sometimes destroy the mood, and even the meaning, of a poem. Euphemism: An understatement, used to lessen the effect of a statement; substituting something innocuous for something that might be offensive or hurtful. Example: She is at rest. (meaning, she’s dead) Hyperbole: An outrageous exaggeration used for effect. Example: He weighs a ton. Irony: A contradictory statement or situation to reveal a reality different from what appears to be true. Example: Wow, thanks for expensive gift...let’s see: did it come with a Fun Meal or the Burger King equivalent? Metaphor: A direct comparison between two unlike things, stating that one is the other or does the action of the other. Example: He’s a zero. Example: Her fingers danced across the keyboard. Metonymy: A figure of speech in which a person, place, or thing is referred to by something closely associated with it. Example: The White House stated today that... Example: The Crown reported today that... Oxymoron: A combination of two words that appear to contradict each other. Example: a pointless point of view; bittersweet –5– Paradox: A statement in which a seeming contradiction may reveal 
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