What can we know about our past ?

Dear student,
We can know about our past on the basis of various evidence.Evidence are categorised in different ways like
1. Archeological findings- Like potteries, coins, buildings and seals like Indius Valley Civilsation
2. Literature- Written by court poets, kings officials, and many more like -Arthshashtra
3. Literature from foreign travellers- Magasthnese(Indica), Huen -Tsang (Tsi-yu-ki)
These are the best ways to explore our history our past.

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Dear student
People know what happened in the past by looking at things from the past including sources (like books, newspapers, and letters) and artifacts (like pottery, tools, and human or animal remains.)?Libraries, archives, and museumscollect and keep these things for people to study history.
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The study of past is important to understand the present sin60 is continuous Story of one event leading to another the present cannot be understood without understanding the past to know the fully understand the world we live in we have to aware of its past.

History is generally divided into three time periods prehistory proto history and history

Prehistory - prehistory period is the time when writing had not been invented hence there is no written record of this period our knowledge of prehistory is there is entirely on archaeology to understand 3ac archaeologist dig deep into the ground and big out the remains of the past these physical remains esports jewellery etc help them to know about the past

Protohistory - photo history period if the time for which we have done records however they are very few and still cannot be read so much logical sources are the main source of information of this period also an example of this period is the Indus valley civilization

History - the time after the invention of writing is known as Mr we have written records from this period early writings have done on Rock pillars copper plates clay tablet Palm leaves and on the backs of birds free over the years many of these were themselves have been destroyed the ones that remains however are rich source of information.

Two there are so many things to learn about history proto history and tree history like the geographical frameworks- Geography has played an important role in the history of India a large country like India have diverse of geographical feature there are high mountains and deserts fertile river valleys and industry was the Himalayan mountains in not act as Natural barrier between India and Central Asia the past in the ancient times people soldiers merchants traders travellers Scholars another have often caused these faster than travel from ideas customs and habits that have made our culture research

Inscriptions are written records engraved on rocks ke was metal colour flowers and tempus and places and on and copper tablets are for instructions very often Kings got the important events in their and there it achievement inspired so that people could read the emperor Ashok of mauryan dynasty put up a large number of instruction in different parts of his Empire Renault so much about him through these inscriptions.
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