What can we say when we travel in woods . The woods are so lovely at the same time a dangerous send creates in night. The most interesting part of a teenage life is going for campaigning with your friends. This seem interesting but there should be at least 2 to 4 elders In the group . Then it is a protective measure . The life time experiences of elder can make all other persons safe. A campaigner must ensure security of food and water supply as well as clothing.I as a teenager writes this blog as I have experienced it so much..
Answer the following question by using the above paragraph.

1. Why woods are beautiful as well as dangerous place.
2. Why there should be elders 8n the campaigning group
3. What is the meaning of " life time experiences" according to the context.
4. "life time experience can make a person better in life" . Justify the statement with example .
5. What do you mean by a blog . How blog is different from a story. Can we say blog is just a writing which depicts the ideas of the writer.
6. Synonym of friends write 2

Dear student,

Here are the answers:

1. The woods are beautiful because they consist of greenery, flowers and wild life. Its a dangerous place due to wild animals.
2. The experience of elders make everyone safe.
3. Life time experiences are those which you remember all your life.
4. LIfe time experiences teaches people how to deal with situations in life.
5. A blog is a website in which person writes about his experiences. A story can be fictious. Bloggers mostly write about their experiences which are facts.  Yes blog describes the ideas of the writer about a topic.
6. companion, confidant


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