what causes brownian movement in a colloidal solution?

 as in colloidal solution the size of particles is nearly medium sized this leads to continuous collison

of one particle to the other due to which they  do not settle  down and this establish the basis of brownian motion.

  • 23

Molecules in a fluid move constantly, freely, randomly, in all directions and with all possible velocities. This erratic motion of the molecules causes them to collide with anything in their path. when pollen grains are suspended in a gas, they fill a resultant force i particular direction and moves to another position, where it has to face same force again. For example, dust particles will be bombarded by the molecules moving at high speeds, causing them to have a zig-zag motion.

Brownian motion also takes place in molecules in a liquid, but to a less obvious extent than in a gas.

hope u udrstnd..........

  • 5

the brownian movement occurs due to the unbalanced bombardment of the particles by the molecules of dispersion medium ...

hope u gt it

  • 1

Colloidal particals don't experience any gravitational force and they in continuous interaction( collision) with the particles of dispersion medium

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  • -1
Brownian motion is caused by the random thermal motion of the particles of the liquid in a colloid. Example: milk - collision between water molecules and protein molecules in milk.
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Plz and one answer man
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  This is due to the unequal bombardment of colloidal particles by the molecules of dispersion medium.  ​
  • -1
Brownian movement ie zig -zag movement of the colloidal particles is due to hitting off these particles by the molecules of the dispersion medium with different force from different direction
  • -1
Brownian movement occur due to unbalanced bombardment of the particles by the molecules of dispersion medium with different force from different direction
  • 4
Please tell me Define of Hardy Number with examples. Please
  • -2
Dispersion medium means the medium in which the substance in form of colloidal particles and dispersed phase means the substance distributed in the dispersion medium in form of colloidal particles
  • 0
Molecules in a fluid move constantly, freely, randomly, in all directions and with all possible velocities. This erratic motion of the molecules causes them to collide with anything in their path. when pollen grains are suspended in a gas, they fill a resultant force i particular direction and moves to another position, where it has to face same force again. For example, dust particles will be bombarded by the molecules moving at high speeds, causing them to have a zig-zag motion. Brownian motion also takes place in molecules in a liquid, but to a less obvious extent than in a gas.
  • 0
Collision of colloidal particles causes Brownian movement. 
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Hi.       .
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