What do these lines want to say???
What do these lines want to say??? s Studies staffing made offer, to be nd the , form etails by vill be ence. anng 3asic be disciplinary procedure, work rules, cor termination of employment. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT b o • Somegug_has rightlv said: "If vou wish fo plan for a year. sow seeds, if you wish to plan for 10 vears, plant trees, If you wish to plan for a lifetime. o le." Training and Development is an attempt to improve the current or future employee performance by increasing an employee's ability to perform througbJ€erning. usually by changing 's attitude or increasing s and knowl

Dear Student

These lines are used only to highlight the importance of Development of People.
It implies that:
  • If you sow seeds, they would provide you benefits for about a year
  • If you plant a tree, it would provide you benefits for about 10 years
  • If you help to develop people, i.e., if you help in the overall improvement of the personality of an individual, that individual would be forever loyal to you and would help you in your entire lifetime.
Hope this information clarifies your doubts :-)


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according to me, 
if you are planning for a year  means u r selecting temparory employees
sow seeds means it is enough to give a little knowledge of work to new employees 

if u want to plan for 10 years means you are selecting employees for relatively long period,
then you have to plant trees means u have to give much knowledge and training to the employees for work.

and if u r planningforlifetime means u r selecting employees for a very long period u have to develop men means u have to give employees proper training  by workshop and by seniors and by many other ways.

  • 3
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