What do they mean by  "the incomplete burning of fossil fuels" ?

incomplete burning of fossil fuels mean the leftover parts of the burnt substance

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During complete combustion carbon and hydrogen combine with oxygen (O2) to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). During incomplete combustion part of the carbon is not completely oxidized producing soot or carbon monoxide (CO). ... Incomplete combustion occurs because of: * Insufficient mixing of air and fuel.
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when there are leftover parts after burning
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incomplete burning gives residue
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Incomplete burning of fossil fuels means partial combustion that means enough oxygen is not present during partial combustion which produces carbon particles .
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incomplete combustion refers to the combustion taking place when sufficient air is not present
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Many hydrocarbons are fuels i.e. a substance burned to release heat energy. When organic compounds are burned in a plentiful supply of air the carbon is oxidised to carbon dioxide and the hydrogen is oxidised to water. In a limited supply of air incomplete combustion occurs forming carbon monoxide and/ or carbon.
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Many hydrocarbons are fuels i.e. a substance burned to release heat energy. When organic compounds are burned in a plentiful supply of air the carbon is oxidised to carbon dioxide and the hydrogen is oxidised to water. In a limited supply of air incomplete combustion occurs forming carbon monoxide and/ or carbon.
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Black carbon—commonly known as soot—is a tiny particle formed by the incomplete burning of fossil fuels, biofuels, and biomass. Although it remains in the atmosphere for just a few days or weeks (compared with a century or more for carbon dioxide), it is a major short-term contributor to global warming.
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incomplete burning of fossils leave unburnt particles which pollutes the air
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Incomplete?combustion?occurs when the supply of air or oxygen is poor. Water is still produced, but carbon monoxide and carbon are produced instead of carbon dioxide. The carbon is released as soot . Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas, which is one reason why complete?combustion?is preferred to incomplete?combustion.
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incomplete combustion refers to the combustion taking place when sufficient air is not present.
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Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless and deadly gas produced by the incomplete burning of fossil fuels used in appliances such as furnaces and portable gas generators.
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