what do we call those particles which have more or less electrons than a normal atom?

They are known as ions (charged particles).

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those particles which have more or less electrons than a normal atom are knw as Ions.. as an Ion is a simple or group of atoms carrying an electrical charge, ion-an ion is a positive or negative charged atom (or group of atoms.).. they  lost or gained one or more valence electrons , to  making it positively or negatively charged.

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Ions , they may be of any charge depending on the electrons in the outer shell 

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this particles are -Ions

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yes it is ions

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Ions are those particle which has more or less electron than the normal atoms. There are two types of ions are anions and cations.
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Ions are those particle which has more or less electron than the normal atoms. There are two types of ions are anions and cations.
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    What do we call those particles which have more or less electrons than the normal atoms
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