what do you mean by domestic consequences of deforestation and globle consequences of deforestation

Domestic consequences of deforestation mean the effects that affect the particular places and surroundings where deforestation has been done. For example soil erosion, reduction of rainfall, drought, disruption of water cycle, loss of biodiversity of that area, flood etc. are domestic consequences of deforestation.

Global consequences of deforestation refer to the effects that are of wide range and affecting globally. They are long term consequences like global warming, change in climatic condition, loss of global biodiversity etc.

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 Deforestationclearance or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use.[1] Examples of deforestation include conversion of forestland to farms, ranches, or urban use.The term deforestation is often misused to describe any activity where all trees in an area are removed.

What happens when a forest is destroyed?

When a forest is removed and the humus-rich topsoil is left exposed, a number of consequences can be expected to happen. When the rich forest topsoil becomes exposed after the removal of trees, the rain that falls after that converts that rich topsoil into a sealed-off soil that becomes very moist and muddy, allowing it to slide away from land. When topsoil becomes this moist and muddy, it causes this soil to drip and slide into waterways. What is left behind in the once-forest ecosystem? The only thing left behind is poor subsoil that leaves the land very vulnerable to natural erosion. In general, then, deforestation leads to massive soil and land erosion.

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