what do you mean by false and true body cavity?

False body cavity means that a cavity is present which represents the body cavity but is not actually a body cavity or not formed properly and so called false or pseudo body cavity.

True body cavity means that the body cavity is a proper body cavity formed by the ideal process of formation. 

You will read more about it in higher classes. 

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if there is false cavity it means cavity is apsent and if it is true cavity it means cavity is present..

hope it helps u ...!!

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true body cavity; Coelomates (true body cavity) are those organisms in which the tissues derived from the mesoderm completely line the fluid filled body cavity while in pseudocoelomates (false body cavity) the mesodermal tissues do not completely line the fluid filled body cavity. Organisms from phylum nematoda and rotifera are pseudocoelomates.

false body cavity or Pseudocoelom :; if the animal is triploblastic then only we can talk bout cpoelom (because coelom is the body cavity lined by the mesoderm and diploblastic animals do no have any mesoderm).. acoelomate are those animals who don 't have coelom and pseudocoelomate are those animals which have coelom but not lined by the mesoderm (i.e its false) and eucoelomate are those animals having true coelom lined by the mesoderm

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Under presence of coelom, there are two types of coelom- true coelom and false coelom.

The true coelom is the coelom in which the tissues derived from the mesoderm completely line the fluid filled body cavity .Those animals that have a true body cavity are known as coelomic or eucoelomic. For example, members of phylums Annelida and onwards.

Pseudocoelome (false body cavity) is the body cavity in which the mesodermal tissues do not completely line the fluid filled body cavity. Those animals do not have a true coelom are said to be pseudocoelomic. For example Phylum Nematoda.

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The body of some animals is made up of three layers of cells, the outer ectoderm, the middle mesoderm and the inner endoderm. The body cavity or the coelom is the space enclosed by the mesoderm where the internal organs are suspended. Some animals do not have a true coelom but the mesoderm is present in scattered pouches. Such animals are said to be pseudocoelomic or false coelom. For example Phylum Nematoda. The animals that do not have body cavity are called acoelomate and the animals that have a true body cavity are known as coelomic or eucoelomic. For example, phylum Annelida.

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Coelomates (true body cavity) are those organisms in which the tissues derived from the mesoderm completely line the fluid filled body cavity while in pseudocoelomates (false body cavity) the mesodermal tissues do not completely line the fluid filled body cavity. Organisms from phylum nematoda and rotifera are pseudocoelomates.

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