what do you mean by hydrosphere?what is the importance of hydrosphere

the total water resources present in the earth is known as hydrosphere. It includes underground water, surface water,etc. 

I think nw u gt its importance...!!

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In fact, most of the chemical reactions that occur in life, involve substances that are dissolved in water. Without water, cells would not be able to carry out their normal functions and life could not exist. Water provides a habitat The hydrosphere provides an important place for many animals and plants to live.

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it provides place for life
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Hydrosphere is nothing but its water and Hydrosphere is important for us to drink water bath wash clothes make foods etc
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The combined mass of water found on earth and above the surface of the earth is called Hydrosphere. It includes not only Oceans and river but also frozen water on mountain and underground water. Water is most important object after air. Some importance of it. play an important role in regulating the climate ,agriculture, drinking ,cooking ,washing, in short it is essential for survival of life

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it are the water bodies
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