what do you mean by mass media

Mass media refers collectively to all mediatechnologies, including the Internet, television, newspapers, and radio, which are used for mass communications, and to the organizations which control these technologies.


Mass media play a significant role in shaping public perceptions on a variety of important issues, both through the information that is dispensed through them, and through the interpretations they place upon this information.

The also play a large role in shaping modern culture, by selecting and portraying a particular set of beliefs, values, and traditions (an entire way of life), as reality. That is, by portraying a certain interpretation of reality, they shape reality to be more in line with that interpretation.

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Mass media: 

1) A mass media is a mean of communication in which one can communicate with large number of people at a time. 


2) Through a mass media a citizen can for example come to know about the plans and programs of the government and can even question the government.

3) The mass media not only provides Information about events taking place in the country but all over the world.


Newspapers, Radios , Televisions, magazines and even internet are some examples of mass media.

Hope you got it and thanks.

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TV,radio and newspaper are a form of media that reaches million of people or the masses across the country and the world and thus they are called as mass media.
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