What does miss Mason think of Wanda's drawing ? What do the children think of them ? How do you know ?

Dear Student,

Here is the answer:

Miss Mason was very proud of Wanda as she had drawn one hundred designs of dresses. All the dresses were beautiful and unique. She told that each and every drawing worthy of winning a prize. She asked the whole class to look at Wanda's drawings. 

The children were also impressed with the drawings. They stopped and whistled and admired the drawings. They applauded for her. But when Peggy and Maddy entered the room they stopped. Peggy admired Wanda's drawings.


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Miss Mason is very impressed with Wanda's drawings. She considers them really beautiful and worthy of winning individually. The children are also impressed by the drawing skills of Wanda that they all applaud and whistle when she wins among the girls.
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