What does mld stand for?

mld means mild

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  • An abstract representation of physical memory, used within the IRIX operating system. An MLD is a source for memory allocation having a prescribed type of memory locality, for example, the two nodes in one corner of a hypercube can yield memory that is close to either node.


  • A massage technique that uses a gentle pumping technique to stimulate the lymphatic system and improve lymph drainage. Used as a treatment for lymphoedema, and also as a complementary therapy for general health.
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  • An abstract representation of physical memory, used within the IRIX operating system. An MLD is a source for memory allocation having a prescribed type of memory locality, for example, the two nodes in one corner of a hypercube can yield memory that is close to either node.


  • A massage technique that uses a gentle pumping technique to stimulate the lymphatic system and improve lymph drainage. Used as a treatment for lymphoedema, and also as a complementary therapy for general health.
    You are correct!

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  • An abstract representation of physical memory, used within the IRIX operating system. An MLD is a source for memory allocation having a prescribed type of memory locality, for example, the two nodes in one corner of a hypercube can yield memory that is close to either node.


  • A massage technique that uses a gentle pumping technique to stimulate the lymphatic system and improve lymph drainage. Used as a treatment for lymphoedema, and also as a complementary therapy for general health.
    You are correct!
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Maybe it means Milli Litre Drainage.

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I think its a short form of mild

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MLD stand for :-- Minimum Liquid Discharge.
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