what does the following equation represent? explain

The equation of  p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 represents the genotypic frequencies of a population, when it is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

According to this law, the frequency of occurrence of alleles of a gene in a population remains constant through generations unless disturbances, such as mutations and non-random mating, are introduced.
Individual frequencies are represented as p and q such as in a diploid, where p and q represent the frequency of allele A and a respectively. The sum total of all allelic frequencies is 1.

The frequency of genotypes, AA is p2, that of aa is q2 and that of Aa is 2pq.

Hence, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1, which is the expansion of (p + q)2.

  • 4
hardy weinber sab explain kro
  • 0
i think ur n my set was same...plz ans my q
  • -1
it is the herdy weinberg's principle.............this eq means that sum of allele frequency of all population is 1
  • 0
If wrote its the herdy weinberg's principle ....this eq means sum of alllee frquncy popultn is same then does tht mean the same
  • 0
no...sum comes to be unity i.e. 1
  • -1
p- frequency of dominant trait
q-​frequency of recessive trait
  • 0
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