What does 'the man gathering salt would not look at his hurt hands' signify?

It signifies that the man who hurt his hands collecting salt will get a little rest for that period.

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here fishermen represents the proficient hunters of all kinds and whales are the opressed class of people .it is therefore a cry for the opressed. people are in a rush to complete the goals set by them. the poet wants us to stop for a moment and introspect. mankind is personified as the salt gatherer. in an exotic moment of peace people would finally introspect themselves ,i dentify their follies and rectify them.


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The man gathering salt would look at his hurts signifies that he will get relaxed from the pain of wounded palms due to the momentary quietness .People remain busy in getting their goals in such a way that they do not introspect and this is the man reason of sorrow and gloominess.
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Hurt hand means that human beings are forgetful of the pain they are causing to themselves in the pursuit of amassing more and more comforts
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Man has been called a salt gatherer, someone who has been so overwrought in achieving and amassing that he has inadvertently caused harm to himself. Also, as others have mentioned, the poet probably calls human follies as 'hurt hands'.
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