What does the story of "The Canterville Ghost" focus on? The rationalism presented by the Americans or the conservationalism presented by the English or on bringing them together satirically in a contradictory mix?

"The Canterville Ghost", by Oscar Wilde is a short story, but has a myriad of characters. Each character represents a particular quality found in us. Lord Canterville is a traditional upright Englishman who believes in the existence of ghosts. His character is contrasted with that of the Otis family. Mr. and Mrs. Otis represent American practicality and rationality. They accept the existence of the Ghost in a nonchalant manner. They are so casual about its existence that they lay bets as to which color the bloodstain would be the following morning. Mr. Otis even offers the Ghost "Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator" to help the Ghost reduce the clanking of his chains. The sound that had put fear into the minds of the previous inhabitants of Canterville Chase does not even provoke a sense of apprehension in any of the members of the Otis family! However, traditional notions and modern practicality seems to reach a culmination in the character of Miss Virginia Otis. She reprimands that Ghost for having used her colors, but at the same time she is quick to understand his pathos. She promises to weep for him, so that his restless soul finally receives respite. This very act for weeping for the peace of the soul of the departed is an ancient notion. Nevertheless, Miss Virginia is ready to follow traditions, giving up on her rational notions, for the Ghost. Thus, this story brings both traditional and modern notions, two contradictory thought processes, to an amicable understanding. The story ends on a happy note with Miss Virginia getting married to the young Duke and the Canterville Ghost finally being laid to rest.

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