What does the word means line of symetry mean?

Hi Neeraj!
Line of symmetry of a figure can be defined as the line that divides the figure into two equal parts in such away that the two parts are image to each other.

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Hi Neeraj. A line of symmetry is first of all a line.

It is not a fixed line, but it is a line fixed by the shape given before you. 

When you are asked to find the 'line of symmetry', you must pay attention to what shape is given.

If divided by this line, the shape will fall into exact mirror images of each other.

Any shape can have more than 1 such line dividing it into two images that exactly mirror each other.

So when you are asked a question about line of symmetry, you also have to check how many such lines can divide the shape before you into mirror images.

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A line of symmetry is first of all a line.

It is not a fixed line, but it is a line fixed by the shape given before you. 

When you are asked to find the 'line of symmetry', you must pay attention to what shape is given.

If divided by this line, the shape will fall into exact mirror images of each other.

Any shape can have more than 1 such line dividing it into two images that exactly mirror each other.

So when you are asked a question about line of symmetry, you also have to check how many such lines can divide the shape before you into mirror images.

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