what exactly is WOOD'S DESPATCH? and it's definition?

The Wood's Despatch: 

  • outlined the educational policy that was to be followed in India,
  •  emphasised the practical benefits of a system of European learning, as opposed to Oriental knowledge.
  •  enable Indians to recognise the advantages that flow from the expansion of trade and commerce, 
  • and finally introduced them to European ways of life, change their tastes and desires, and create a demand for British goods

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In 1853 the British Parliament, for the first time, instituted an enquiry into the state of Indian education. This resulted in the famous Wood's Dispatch of July 1854, proposing the establishment of Universities at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras whose functions were to hold examinations and coder degrees. The dispatch enunciated the aim of education as the diffusion of the Arts, Science, Philosophy and Literature of Europe. It laid down that the study of Indian languages was to be encouraged and that the English language should be taught wherever there was a demand for it. It also recommended that a number of high schools should-be set up for mass education.

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