What happens at the synapse between two neurons?

Synapseis a small gap that occurs between the axon of one neuron and dendrite of the next neuron i.e. between two consecutive neurons. The electrical impulses travel first from axon of a neuron to its dendrite and then from the dendrite of one neuron to the axon of the next neuron. The impulse travels from the dendrite of one neuron to the axon of the next neuron with the help of chemical messengers or neurotransmitters released insynapseby the dendrite of the preceding neuron. These chemical messengers cross the synapse and starts a similar electrical impulse in the next neuron.

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SYNAPSE, the electrical impluse sets off the release of some chemicals. These chemicals cross the synapse and start a similar impluse in a denrite of the neuron

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synapse the electrical impluse sets off the release of some chemicals these cross the synapse and start similar chemical impluse in the denrite of the neuron

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