What happens on eating cold food during winters or eating warm food during summer?

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if you eat cold food you will catch a cold.
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Each food has its own characteristics. In very ancient times  Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners used specific foods to  balance the body’s yin and yang and to treat disease.
The ancient Chinese medicine practitioners discovered that most foods  have either cooling or warming characteristics. When you eat cooling  foods, they are adding cooling effects to your body and eating warm  foods will add warming effects to your body. Therefore, warming and  cooling foods can be used to balance the body which may be deficient in  yin or yang. Chinese medicine has divided food into three characteristics;
1) Cooling foods
2) Warming foods
3) Balanced, neutral foods (neither cool nor warm)
1) Effects of cooling foods
Cooling food has effects of clearing heat and  toxins, cooling and calming the blood and nourishing yin. These types of  food are suitable for people who have heat constitution of the body.  Usually these people have the following symptoms: The body feeling hot,  perspiration, thirst, constipation, pungent odourous wind and stools,  burning of the anus area after bowl movement, anxiety, red eyes, red  face, emotional, head aches, vivid dreams, ulcers in the mouth or  tongue, cold sores around the mouth, red tongue with a thick yellow  coating on the tongue, rapid pulse, heart burn and dark or yellow urine.
If you have any of the symptoms listed above, the following cooling foods are suitable to be eaten:
Cooling foods    Fruits Vegetables Grains, Legumes & Seeds Meat, Seafood & Dairy Condiments & BeveragesApple
2) Effects of warming foods
Warming foods have the effects of raising the yang,  energy (qi) of organs and warming and improving the circulation and  dispelling the cold. These types of food are suitable for people who are  yang deficient. Usually with the following symptoms; cold hand, cold  feet, cold body, diarrhea, stomach pains or discomfort after eating or  drinking cold things, bloating after eating, lack of energy, sore  joints, oedema and fluid retention.
If you have any of the following symptoms listed above, it is suitable to eat more of the following warming foods:
Warming foods    Fruits Vegetables Grains, Legumes & Seeds Meat, Seafood & Dairy Condiments & BeveragesCherry
Chinese Red Dates
Coconut meat
Coconut milk
 3) Foods which are neither warm nor cold, and are suitable for any type of body; Neutral foods    Fruits Vegetables Grains, Legumes & Seeds Meat, Seafood & Dairy Condiments & Beverages     Apricot
Goji Berries
lack soybean
Broad bean
Kidney bean
Lotus seed

The food we eat every day affects our body’s balance. In the clinic  we find that many diseases are caused, or made worse by eating the wrong  foods. Therefore it is important to know your own body’s constitution  so you can find out what foods are best for you. If you do not know your  constitution you can make a visit to an experienced TCM practitioner to  find out.
Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that during different  seasons we should eat more certain cooling or warming foods which can  help to combat the changing weather. As Chinese medicine also considers  that the human body and health are associated with the environment, so  changes in the weather can affect our body and therefore our health.
For example, in summer, it is very hot and dry, which can cause the  body to acquire heat and can dry out our body leading to dry skin,  constipation and lack of fluid in the body. Thus if we eat more cooling  food, it can balance the body which has been attacked by the hot summer.
Usually we suggest you to eat local seasonal fruit and vegetables as  they are most suitable for the body during a particular season.
hope this will help
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