What has happened to the garbage heaps?

What has happened to the garbage heaps? Table 16.1 What has happened to the garbage heaps? Garbage After 4 After 6 After 2 heap days days weeks Observations. If you make any other Observations, do not forget to write all these down in your notebook. Do not ve and burn Che garbage that did ret. e garbage was round CO rot d did not sn;ell, mix il in After 4 weeks I crop pta harvestin smoke aril our health practic+ converted

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They are send to the recycle store.
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Then first the useful garbage is taken out by big magnets like metals.Then the non biodegradable waste is recycled.Then the biodegradable waste is composted and maked manure .

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The use full materials from garbage heaps had to be taken out and then they are converted into isefull materials
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What has happened to the garbage heaps
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Table 16.1 What has happened to the garbage heaps? Garbage heap A After 4 days After 6 days After 2 weeks ye After 4 weeks B C D observations. If you make any other crop to write all harv
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