what help did dr sadao seek from hana while operating on the wounded white man ?

Hana was to play the role of a nurse during the operation that Sadao was going to perform on the white man. She first went to the linen shelves to fetch towels. There was also to be old pieces of matting so that the blood would not ruin the fine floor covering. She went out to the back veranda where the gardener kept strips of matting with which to protect delicate shrubs on cold nights and took an armful of them. Then she was asked to help him turn and wait till he washed the man's back carefully. Then she was asked to administer the anaesthetic if it was required even though she had never done so before. She choked and then retched upon seeing the wound but she came back and applied the anaesthetic nevertheless. She crouched close to the sleeping face of the young American noting his features and contemplating upon the antecedents of the prisoner. 

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