what helps in existence of aquatic life explain on the basis of henry's law

Dear Student,

Let's see what Henrys law states,

At constant temperature, the amount of given gas dissolved in a given type and given the volume of liquid is directly proportional to the partial vapor pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid.

therefore the volume of oxygen dissolved will be same at given temperature.

If we relate Henry's law with the dissolved oxygen, it says, the amount of oxygen dissolved in water is directly proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen just above the water surface, and inversly proportional to temperature.

hope this concept is clear to you


  • 1
on the basis of henry's law, the dissolved oxygen sustains the life of aquatic organisms.
  • 7
aquatic oraganisms are more comfortable in cold water,bcz according to henrys law,when kH increases solubility decreases, in the case of oxygen KH increases with increase in temp.so cold water contains more dissolved oxygen compared to warm water
  • 5
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