what hospitality did the peddler recieve from the crofter?

the crofter was living alone in his cottage.He was happy to find someone to talk to his loneliness. So he was to friendly with the peddler. The crofter allowed the peddler to stay for the night in his cottage. He welcomed the peddler with a smiling face. E was an old man without wife or? child. Therefore, he became happy to get someone to talk to in his loneliness. He served him supper and gave him tobacco. He played ??majolis?? the game of cards to entertain him also. He got more friendly with the peddler by showing him the money kept in the pouch
  • 19
Why did the crofter greet the peddler warmly???
  • 1
E means kya h
  • -4
E means he
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