What impression have you formed of twins after reading the first part of the novel?

The Star and Stripes, were two delightful boys who laughed and shouted a lot apart from playing pranks on people. Being small children, they also had a mean streak in them which is brought out when they charge at the ghost with a pea-shooter. They did not possess the sensitivity that was a characteristic trait of their sister, Virginia. They used pea shooters to pelt peas at the ghost and had a good laugh every time the prospect arose of the ghost passing by. Although such behaviour should not be condoned, one must remember that the twins were young kids without any sense of right or wrong. Having brought their pea-shooters with them, they at once discharged two pellets at the ghost and the latter started up a wild shriek of rage. The ghost had himself come with the purpose of scaring the family so it was fair to give him a taste of his own medicine. 

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