What is a mechanism of a thunder storm . What are the precautions to be taken in such situation?

Dear Student.

Storms are formed due to uneven heating of atmosphere around earth.The rising temperatures produce strong upward rising winds. These winds carry water droplets upwards where they freeze and fall down again. The swift movement of the falling water droplets along with the rising air create lightning and sound. Thus thunderstorm occurs. In other words, it can be said that the rising temperatures produce strong upward rising winds. These winds carry water droplets upwards where they freeze and fall down again. The swift movement of the falling water droplets along with the rising air create lightning and sound. This event is called thunderstorm.

Some of the precautions which are required to take care of are:
  • When Outside-don't stand near tall things like under a tree and don't be the tallest thing around.
  • Get to shelter as soon as you see lightning or hear thunder
  • Best go indoors. If lightning is really bad, stay away from most things including windows.
  • Turn off your electrical appliances and stay off the telephone. Lightning can strike pipes and wires so be careful.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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