What is a pure substance ? With example plz( 3 marks )

In chemistry a substance is a form of matter, it can be a solid, a liquid or a gas. Even elements, compounds and mixtures come under the category of substance. And, a pure substance will contain same type of particles, without any impurity. So, a pure substance can be an element or a compound.


  • Pure substances

    • Fixed composition
    • Constituents cannot be separated by simple physical methods.
    • Elements contain only one type of particles ? atoms (example Na, K, Cu, C, Ag) or molecules [Example: H2, N2, O2, F2]
    • Compounds are formed by the combination of two or more atoms of different elements. [Example: water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2)]
    • Constituents of compounds cannot be separated by physical methods; they can be separated by chemical methods only.

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a pure substance is one which is made up of olny one kind of particles. all elements and compounds are pure substances. a pure substance is homogenous throughout its mass and its constituents cannot be seperated by physical methods. it has a fixed composition. examples- oxygen, iron, gold, carbon dioxide etc...

  • 9

A pure substance consists of a single type of particles and it cannot be seperated into other kind of matter by any Physical process.it has the same colour, textures, taste and composition at a given temperature and pressure. For example..Water and Sugar.

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