what is acquired immunity?

Acquired immunity − It is acquired, which means that it is produced in response to an encounter with a pathogen based on memory. It is pathogen specific.
When a pathogen for the first time infects a person, low intensity immune response is generated (primary response).
When the same pathogen attacks again, intensified immune response in generated, thereby preventing the occurrence of disease (secondary response).
Acquired immunity involves two types of cells − B-lymphocytes and T- lymphocytes.
B-lymphocytes − Secrete proteins called antibodies in response to pathogens Antibodies are specialized proteins with 4 peptide chains (2 light and 2 heavy), hence denoted as H 2 L 2 . IgA IgM, IgE, etc. are examples of some of the antibodies. They generate humoral immune response(found in blood).

T-lymphocytes − They help B-cells to produce antibodies. They generate cell -mediated immune response. This response helps the body to differentiate between ‘self’ and ‘non-self’ as occurs in case of graft rejection.

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Acquired immunity − It is acquired, which means that it is produced in response to an encounter with a pathogen based on memory. It is pathogen specific. Its action is mainly in blood.

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