When a noun points to something about which you can only think of, it is called an Abstract Noun. Your five senses cannot detect this group of noun. For example: Honesty, truth, justice etc are all abstract nouns.

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Typically nouns are persons, places or things that can been seen with the eyes or felt with the hands. Abstract nouns are not tangible, they are ideas, concepts or feelings.
Look at the following sentence. 'Bjork has great taste in clothes.' Igno
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Typically nouns are persons, places or things that can been seen with the eyes or felt with the hands. Abstract nouns are not tangible, they are ideas, concepts or feelings.
Look at the following sentence. 'Bjork has great taste in clothes. ' Igno
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Abstract nouns  canalso be made from other words, such as adjectives, common nouns and verbs.Given beloware some abstract nouns that are made from other words.

  • sadness fromthe adjective sad.
  • bravery from the adjective brave.
  • friendship from the common noun friend.
  • action from yhe verb act.
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