The number which can be expressed as =ve or -ve. is called an integer.


  • -2

An integer is any positive number, negative number or zero. For example, -6, +15, 0, etc.

  • -1

an integer is the on right side and left side of number line .thus ,1,+9,-8 etc are integers.

  • -1
integer is a set of numericals which has both positive and negative
  • 2
An integer is a no. that can be written without a fractional component.
hope it helps!!!
  • 0
All no. Including positive and negative nos. Is an integer
  • 1
all of you are right
  • -1
  an integer is a negative or postive numbeer
  • -1
the number which  can be expressed as = +ve or -ve is called a integers   
i will hope it will help you friend
  • -1

An integer  is a whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative, or zero.

Examples of integers are: -5, 1, 5, 8, 97, and 3,043.

  • 0
Numbers below 0 are called negative numbers and numbers above 0 are called positive numbers . Integers are numbers including all of these positive , negative and 0 .
Hope it helps ,
Best of luck
Shukti .....
  • 1
integer is denoted by z. it is having both positive and negative numbers as well as zero
  • 0
In simple sentence the number negative signs or positive signs are known as integers
  • 0
For eg :-

Positive sign : +1,+2 and so on

Negative sign : -1, -2,-3 and so on
  • 0
The collection of negative numbers,positive numbers and zero together are called integers
  • 0
Integers is a combination of one or more negative and positive integers are called integers

  • 0
Integers are the group of positive and negative numbers
  • 1
INTEGERS are a collection of whole numbers and negative numbers
  • 1
A number that comes below 0 are called integer.
  • 0
It is a set of numericals with a negative or a positive sign
  • 0
a + or - number is called integer
  • 0
Negative numbers,0 and natural numbers
  • 0
integer is a set of numericals which has both positive and negative
  • 1
An integer is a number which is not a fraction but  a whole number
  • 0
The set of positive natural numbers and the set of negative natural numbers along with the number 0 is called a set of integers.
  • 0
All whole numbers and negative numbers make integers.
  • 0
All whole numbers and negative numbers make integers..
  • 0

NEGATIVE =   -1 , -2 , -3 ......
POSITVE = 1. +1 , +2 , +3 
                     2. 1 , 2 . 3 
  • 0
Integers are the set of numbers which consists of whole numbers and negative numbers. 
  • 0
a number which is not a fraction and is a whole number is called integer
  • 0
Integers are the set of whole numbers along with their negatives.
  • 0
  • 0
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