what is as cold As Ice

This idiom can be used to describe a person who does not show any emotion.
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    Dear friend,
    The figure of speech used above is a SIMILE. 
    It is the figure of speech used when one compares something, someone or someone's actions with another's actions, appearance, etc. They do the same with the help of the words ' like' or ' ... as .... as ...'.
    Some of the examples are as follows:
    He ran as fast as a lion.
    She sang like a nightingale.
    Shwetha looks like a doll.

    Hope this helps.
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    The feeling of hatred is as cold as ice.
    ( with reference to the poem ' fire and ice' )
    • 0
    What does 'As cold as ice' mean?

    This idiom can be used to describe a person who does not show any emotion.
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    What are you looking for?