What is Base Form.

The simplest form of a verb is called its base form.
It has no special ending or suffix. ('-s,  -ing, -ed, etc,')
For example: 'eat, sleep, play'.

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Definition: The base form of the verb is simply the form of the verb that you would see in an English dictionary. The "base form" of a verb is the same as the infinitive form (e.g., to do, to see, to excel, to pass, to test, etc.), without the "to".

  • leave
  • want
  • excel
  • pass
  • 2
Definition: The base form of the verb is simply the form of the verb that you would see in an English dictionary. The "base form" of a verb is the same as the infinitive form (e.g., to do, to see, to excel, to pass, to test, etc.), without the "to".

  • leave
  • want
  • excel
  • pass
  • -1
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