what is bile pigment? what happens when the amount of bile pigment increased blood

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Please find the solution below.

Bile is a fluid, dark green to yellowish brown in colour. It is produced by liver and stored in gall bladder. It is involved in the digestion of lipids in the intestine. Bile consists of 92% water, 6% bile salts, 0.3% bilirubin, 0.9-2.4% fats which includes cholesterol, fatty acids, lecithin and small amount of inorganic salts.  

Two important bile pigments are:
1. Bilirubin
2. Biliverdin

Gall bladder stores the excess bile juice that is released by the liver.  



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Bile is an enzyme secreted by Liver. Liver secretes this enzyme in to duodenum. It digests large fats and converts them to small globules by the process called as emulsification.Bile will not be released in to blood.
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