What is bisexual reproduction in plants.

Dear Student,

The question seems to be unclear. Plants can either be bisexual or unisexual depending whether it's flowers has both the stamen and the pistil or either of the two.


In a flower, the stamen is the male sex organ and the pistil is the female sex organ. Flowers that contain both stamen and pistil are called bisexual flowers and plants that bear them are called bisexual plants. Example: Hibiscus
Some flowers bear either the stamen of the pistil, these flowers are called unisexual flowers. These unisexual flowers inturn may be borne on the same plant or on different plants, such plants are known as unisexual plants. Example: Papaya


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Dear Student,

Bisexual: each flower of each individual has both male and female structures, i.e. it combines both sexes in one structure. Flowers of this kind are called perfect, having both stamens and carpels. Other terms used for this condition are androgynous, hermaphroditic, monoclinous and synoecious.

Priya Agrawal.
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